Is it possible to erase a ZEK code?
You need a private loan and unfortunately the doors of the banks are closed to you because you have a penalising ZEK code? Is it possible to erase them?
You need a private loan and unfortunately the doors of the banks are closed to you because you have a penalising ZEK code? Is it possible to erase them?
Many people mistakenly believe that applying for a loan without any debt proceedings and without zek codes while in a stable work situation will necessarily be accepted. Discover the 8 main reasons for refusal despite a healthy financial situation.
Are you looking to submit a loan application when you have already asked for a loan in the past and/or you regularly use one or more credit cards?
You probably have one or several codes registered at the ZEK that will have a positive or negative impact on your application.
How does a broker or bank assess your level of solvency when you submit a loan application to their institution?
Are you in a relationship, either as a married couple or as live-in partners and looking to submit a loan application? Will your partner’s situation be taken into account? Will he/she be informed of your actions?
When you take out a loan, you are not protected against health or professional issues that may prevent you from making your monthly repayments. These can be mandatory or optional: what services are included in each of the latter and under what conditions are they implemented?
You would like to apply for a loan, you have an idea on how much you need, but you are hesitating: could you ask for more or is it too much with regard to your situation? How do you know what the limit is?
When filling in a loan application, a huge amount of information is requested, which can drain your motivation when filling in the application and sometimes raise fears: why so much information, especially given that this data is very sensitive for some people? Is all of this information essential for all banks?
On each new loan application, the broker or bank is required to constitute a file: who pays the costs for this? The bank, the broker or the customer?
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What are the credit conditions for cohabiting couples and blended families?
As family dynamics change, so do the financial challenges households face, leading them to seek suitable financing options. But when it comes to putting together a credit application, cohabiting couples and blended families are faced with some complex issues. Indeed, as it is legally not recognised as a conjugal bond, cohabitating can sometimes pose problems […]