The 5 essential conditions for a leasing contract
You want a leasing contract to drive your dream car? These are the conditions that must be met before you can apply.
You want a leasing contract to drive your dream car? These are the conditions that must be met before you can apply.
If your car was financed using a leasing contract, how can you become the owner or get rid of it without risking heavy penalties? In both cases, lease buyout is the solution. Discover the procedure.
For most Swiss people, leasing seems to be the cheapest and easiest way to finance the purchase of a car. While it has many advantages, there are a number of disadvantages that are less well known and that can lead to unpleasant surprises if you are not forewarned!
It is common for family members, friends or spouses to lend each other money. But how can you protect yourself effectively in the event of repayment problems or other disputes? This article will tell you how to write an acknowledgement of debt in accordance with the law. You will have access to free templates.
What are your chances of obtaining a personal loan if you are involved in ongoing or previous legal or insolvency proceedings?
Are you looking to submit a loan application when you have already asked for a loan in the past and/or you regularly use one or more credit cards?
You probably have one or several codes registered at the ZEK that will have a positive or negative impact on your application.
How does a broker or bank assess your level of solvency when you submit a loan application to their institution?
Reducing the ceiling from 15% to 10% in 2016 has transformed the consumer credit market. As seen published by AGEFI, here is the complete version of the study carried out by CC Crédits Conseils SA, showing market evolution over the last three years.
Find out more about the 3 consequences of having a loan application rejected by a bank. Will you be recorded on the ZEK system? Will there be any negative repercussions? How long do you need to wait before making a new application?
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This blog is run by a non-jurist author. The information provided is based on the professional and personal experience of the latter. We therefore highly recommend that you consult with a lawyer and do not base any decisions solely on the content of this blog, insofar as it is provided for informational purposes only. The author may not therefore be held liable by the blog's readers or by any person who may use this information without performing adequate verifications with a specialised lawyer or jurist.
How do you strike off paid debt proceedings and are the costs justified?
Have you had any debt proceedings in the past? You have paid them but you discover that they are still registered with the debt proceedings office and that they are blocking the completion of certain projects? Find out how to write them off and if any costs can be claimed.