Increasing an outstanding loan
You have an outstanding loan that you are repaying in monthly instalments and need an extra sum of money? How do you go about this? Do the interest rate and repayment period change?
You have an outstanding loan that you are repaying in monthly instalments and need an extra sum of money? How do you go about this? Do the interest rate and repayment period change?
When filling in a loan application, a huge amount of information is requested, which can drain your motivation when filling in the application and sometimes raise fears: why so much information, especially given that this data is very sensitive for some people? Is all of this information essential for all banks?
You have an outstanding loan and want to repay the entire debt, including interest, before the maturity date provided in the contract. How do you do this and what are the consequences?
You are looking to purchase goods using credit but should you choose a credit card or consumer credit? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these solutions?
On each new loan application, the broker or bank is required to constitute a file: who pays the costs for this? The bank, the broker or the customer?
Low interest rates are for most people the number one criterion in deciding where to submit their personal loan application. But be careful, their bright and shiny appearance can sometimes hide a few bad surprises!
When you submit a personal loan application, you are required to meet the basic conditions set by Law regarding consumer credit. But is that enough to receive a favourable response to your application?
When you submit a loan application, from a logical perspective you may be tempted to make several applications with different institutions, thinking that by doing so, you will multiply your chances of acceptance. Wrong!
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Calculating your maximum loan amount
You would like to apply for a loan, you have an idea on how much you need, but you are hesitating: could you ask for more or is it too much with regard to your situation? How do you know what the limit is?