Unemployed with outstanding loans, what’s the solution?
Are you unemployed and without a solution to repay your loan? Find out more about the solutions available to you to deal with this situation.
Are you unemployed and without a solution to repay your loan? Find out more about the solutions available to you to deal with this situation.
Many people wrongly believe that presenting a loan application with no legal proceedings, no ZEK codes, and a stable professional situation will necessarily lead to a loan being granted. Find out more about the 8 most common reasons for rejection despite a sound financial situation.
You need private credit and, unfortunately, banks have closed their doors to you because you have a penalising ZEK code? Can they be removed?
Find out more about our new all-in-one insurance offer for unemployment and loss of earnings with life insurance, to protect yourself from financial difficulties due to unexpected events.
The Swiss Federal Council’s decision to reduce the maximum interest rate on cash loans to 10% compared to 15% came into force in June 2016. If you have outstanding credit, now is the time to renegotiate a lower rate !
For the two-hundredth anniversary of the Banque Cantonale de Genève, learn about its origins, its influence in the canton, its diversification strategy and the historic tour through Geneva on a quest for its discovery.
Discover a new personal loan stakeholder and the modifications made by existing banks to their offers in 2016 affecting rates, loan amounts and repayment periods.
From the 1st of January 2016 onwards, financial institutions will be required to raise customer awareness to the consequences of their commitment, to set a reasonable limit to the loan amount, to propose loan insurance and to provide advice in the event of hard times.
From the 1st of January 2016 onwards, no more targeting young people, no more suggestions that loans are approved quickly or without examination, no more offering loans for short-term leisure activities such as weddings, holidays or birthdays, no more using abusive economic arguments or startling or ambiguous sales methods.
The conditions for granting a loan have become stricter since December 2015 with regard to the budget calculation, the repayment period has been extended from 72 to 84 months and the cancellation right will change from 7 to 14 days on the 1st of January 2016.
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