When you want to get a personal loan in Switzerland, not only do the credit institutions check the ZEK for your credit history and if bad code is recorded, they also check DELTA VISTA and the court proceedings registries, which archive your history of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate.
Ongoing proceedings?
The foundation for obtaining a loan is that you are not currently involved in any legal proceedings of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate. However, some institutions may be lenient if the proceedings are justified.
Consequently, being involved in legal proceedings can be a major handicap, however is not necessarily insurmountable. With regard to open and justified proceedings, we have a certain amount of room to negotiate on your behalf with our banking partners so that your application is accepted.
No current proceedings, only past proceedings? Caution!
For more than two years, banks have been paying particular attention to chase and certificate of shortfall in the past. Banks have 2 possibilities to access your history related to them.
The court proceedings registries
Most court proceedings registries now register legal and insolvency proceedings without informing the parties concerned. It is therefore very easy for a bank to access this information.
Delta Vista
Moreover, some banking institutions check an additional file known as DELTA VISTA (purchased by CRIF), which groups together your whole history in terms of ongoing and past legal and insolvency proceedings of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate. If the DELTA VISTA file contains records, you may therefore be refused a loan, even if the court proceedings registry and its archives are empty.
The Deltavista Group, one of the main service providers in credit risk and rating management in Switzerland, Austria and Germany has sold its branches in Switzerland and Austria to CRIF.
This service helps banks made decisions on whether to grant a loan. Unlike the ZEK, DELTA VISTA allows consumers and companies to access their own credit information in order to ease new financing applications or check ongoing loans.
Your history is not permanent!
Our team is trained to assist and advise you.
The preparation of our customers’ applications therefore requires us to view these databases.
If chase records are present, we will undertake the steps required to remove the legal and insolvency proceedings, whether this involves the DELTA VISTA file or the court proceedings registries.
This is one of the elements that help us achieve a higher application acceptance rate.
Declaration of insolvency / loss certificate = categorical refusal
However, if you are or have been subject to declarations of insolvency / loss certificate, you should expect a categorical refusal as you will not benefit from any room for negotiation.
Loan with chase and loss certificate: legal and insolvency proceedings
When you want to get a personal loan in Switzerland, not only do the credit institutions check the ZEK for your credit history and if bad code is recorded, they also check DELTA VISTA and the court proceedings registries, which archive your history of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate.
Ongoing proceedings?
The foundation for obtaining a loan is that you are not currently involved in any legal proceedings of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate. However, some institutions may be lenient if the proceedings are justified.
Consequently, being involved in legal proceedings can be a major handicap, however is not necessarily insurmountable. With regard to open and justified proceedings, we have a certain amount of room to negotiate on your behalf with our banking partners so that your application is accepted.
No current proceedings, only past proceedings? Caution!
For more than two years, banks have been paying particular attention to chase and certificate of shortfall in the past. Banks have 2 possibilities to access your history related to them.
The court proceedings registries
Most court proceedings registries now register legal and insolvency proceedings without informing the parties concerned. It is therefore very easy for a bank to access this information.
Delta Vista
Moreover, some banking institutions check an additional file known as DELTA VISTA (purchased by CRIF), which groups together your whole history in terms of ongoing and past legal and insolvency proceedings of chase and declaration of insolvency / loss certificate. If the DELTA VISTA file contains records, you may therefore be refused a loan, even if the court proceedings registry and its archives are empty.
The Deltavista Group, one of the main service providers in credit risk and rating management in Switzerland, Austria and Germany has sold its branches in Switzerland and Austria to CRIF.
This service helps banks made decisions on whether to grant a loan. Unlike the ZEK, DELTA VISTA allows consumers and companies to access their own credit information in order to ease new financing applications or check ongoing loans.
Your history is not permanent!
Our team is trained to assist and advise you.
The preparation of our customers’ applications therefore requires us to view these databases.
If chase records are present, we will undertake the steps required to remove the legal and insolvency proceedings, whether this involves the DELTA VISTA file or the court proceedings registries.
This is one of the elements that help us achieve a higher application acceptance rate.
Declaration of insolvency / loss certificate = categorical refusal
However, if you are or have been subject to declarations of insolvency / loss certificate, you should expect a categorical refusal as you will not benefit from any room for negotiation.